Unlucky in Love? It’s Time to Pack Your Bags | rgtvdxjwa.com

Unlucky in Love? It’s Time to Pack Your Bags

Looking for love in all the wrong places? Well, maybe it’s time to seek out the right places. Thanks to Trulia, we now have the resources to center-in on the most likely locales to fall in love.

According to Census data, the top three metro areas to find a man to settle down with (aka, locate “marriage material guys”), are San Francisco, Calif.; San Jose, Calif., and Seattle, Washington—the west coast “S” s have it! In fact, 52 percent of the men living in San Fran identify as single—the odds are good. Additionally, both San Jose and San Francisco boast incredibly high single men to single women ratios. Time to get your date on, Cali gals!

However, if you’re seeking a career-driven woman (“Ms. Independent”), Trulia suggests you hit the opposite coast: Silver Spring-Frederick-Rockville, Maryland; Atlanta, Georgia; and Raleigh, North Carolina, top the list.

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There’s something for everyone. If you’re attracted to highly-educated people, research shows that you’ll have the best luck in San Francisco, where more than 15 percent of single men and 14.5 percent of single women have at least a graduate degree.

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Time to move to San Francisco, no?

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